This section holds pictures from various GM and
T`Vyl Honor Guard Events. If you're looking for
more action-oriented pictures, check out the Battles/Raids
section. This is for the more uncommon type of
event, where battling was unplanned, secondary,
or GM driven.
Listing of Events: (Ordered by Date of
addition to this site)
in Western Commonlands Again?
gets Gnome-y!
Sightings in Hole - Myahak ended up
paralyzed in Hole, but he was lucky he couldn't
move - Take a look at the number of aggressive
creatures around him!
in Western Commonlands - Werewolves
invade Western Commonlands, and T`Vyl Honor
Guard was there to help stop the lycanthropic

Xian and Aaul pretend to duel outside of Mistmoore,
right before T`Vyl Honor Guard rescued Lanys. |
to get new content, we need members and friends
of T`Vyl Honor Guard to submit