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Werewolves in Western Commonlands [ Back to Events ]

A picture of some of the carnage, as Kovas of the Crystalline Knights and our own Vulcann Dethegrip fall a werewolf.

Werewolves come by the droves to spread their disease, but valiant warriors like Vulcann stand ground.

Even as light dawns on the commonlands, more werewolves appear.

Werewolves overcome Perdition Kinslayer's pet.

A werewolf daringly looks right at Kailya Inori`Inslayer, who refuses to back down.

While wandering around the commonlands outside of Freeport, I, T`Vyl Honor Guard Paladin Kailya Inori`Kinslayer, suddenly heard a horrific shout from someone who was obviously suffering immensely. The words, "With the rising moon comes the insatiable hunger," echoed throughout the valley, and all sounded silent for a moment or two. Almost all at once, several more screams were heard:

"I gaze upon the moon and I feel a yearn to run wild I seek blood soon the fields shall run with it."
"Cazic please help me"
"I feel as if my soul has been torn"

A battle soon ensued, as hordes of Werewolves attacked the commonlands. Even a hill giant tried to fend off the horrible infestation of lycanthropy before succumbing to their vast numbers. In total, about 90 players, including at least 4 T`Vyl members (Vulcann Dethegrip, Xian Hsiao, Perdition Kinslayer, and myself), fought and finally defeated all of the werewolf threat... for now. To the right are pictures of this magnificent confrontation.

These pages are best viewed under Internet Explorer 4.0+. Maintained and Updated by Kailya Inori'Kinslayer.